Friday, June 25, 2010

Study Of Prairie Before Sunset

Study Of Prairie Before Sunset
Jack Providenti
Oil On Canvas
18 x 24 inches

Although the sun was in it's earliest stages of setting, the prairie and brush were alive with cool blues and warm reds and orange.

This is what I would call pure impressionism. It is a "wash"  done in oils, and was done in about 30 minutes. Some would say that a painting done quickly is not as valuable as one that takes several steps done over a period of days, weeks, or even months. All I can say to that is that the very first "Impressionistic " painting, done by Claude Monet, was completed in minutes. Today that painting is valued in the millions of dollars. Now, I'm certainly not Monet, but then my paintings go for somewhat less than a million dollars.

If you are interested in purchasing this or any of my paintings, please send me an e-mail.

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